Future plans, decisions, and predictions
Future plans and decisions
Complete the grammar review with ‘will’, ‘going to’ or ‘present continuous’.
We can use...
see answer
__________ 1 + infinitive to talk about plans or decisions for the future:
What are you going to do this weekend?
I’m going to visit my uncle next week.
Complete the grammar review with ‘will’, ‘going to’ or ‘present continuous’.
We also use the
see answer
_________2 to talk about plans for the future:
What are you doing this weekend?
I’m meeting a friend later for lunch.
With the verb go, many English speakers prefer to avoid going to go because it sounds repetitive:
I’m going out tonight. (I’m going to go out tonight.)
Complete the grammar review with ‘will’, ‘going to’ or ‘present continuous’.
We use
see answer
________ 3 + infinitive when we don’t have a plan and to express a spontaneous decision:
The phone is ringing. I’ll answer it.
It’s cold here. I’ll close the window.
Complete the grammar review with ‘will’ or ‘going to’.
We can use going to + infinitive and also
_________ 1+ infinitive to say something that you think or know about the future:
Germany are going to win the match. I’m certain.
I think he’ll come to the party.
We often use
see answer
_________ 2 +infinitive to say something that we are sure about the future because of something that we see or know now. There is a present feeling that a future event will happen:
Look at those clouds! I think it’s going to rain.
Jenny looks very sad. I think she’s going to cry.
We often prefer to use
see answer
_________ 3 + infinitive to say something that we think about the future when there is no present feeling that the event will happen:
I think it will rain next week.
In the future, I think people won’t write emails anymore.