Focus on the instructions
Listening Part 2
Questions 8-13
For Each question, choose the correct answer.
1 Read and listen to the instructions for Part 2 and look at the task.
How many questions are there?
How many options do you choose from in each question?
What do you need to do?
Focus on the questions
Read question 8 and listen to the recording.

Answer the questions.
Who says the park should be brought up to date - the girl, the boy, both or neither of them?
Who says the park should be kept more tidy - the girl, the boy, both or neither of them?
Who says the park should be left as it is - the girl, the boy, both or neither of them?
What is the correct answer to question 8?
Now listen to the recording again and answer these questions about it.
Do you hear the words 'brought up to date', 'kept more tidy’ or 'left as it is’ in the recording?
What do the speakers say that helps you choose the correct answer?
Read question 9 and answer these questions.

How might the weather spoil the barbecue?
How might the food not be well-cooked?
How might the place be uncomfortable?
Now listen to the recording again and answer these questions about it.
Do the girl and the boy say it rained?
Does the boy say his food was good or bad? What about the girl?
What does the girl say about where she sat? What does the boy say about the same thing?
What is the correct answer to question 9?
Look at question 10. The correct answer here is A.

Now listen to the recording for question 10.
What does the girl say that tells you she didn't like either the show or the guided tour?
Now look at question 11 and listen to the recording.

Answer the questions
Does the boy say his coach is friendly or unfriendly? Does he like his coach anyway? Is he complaining about him?
Do you know what the coach makes the boy do? What is it? Does he describe it?
Does the boy want the girl to have lessons from his coach? Is he encouraging her?
What is the correct answer to question 11?
Look at question 12 and listen to the recording.

Answer these questions.
Does the girl talk about how long the party went on for?
Does she say the organisation was bad?
How does the girl say that the party was good value for money?
What is the correct answer to question 12?
Finally, look at question 13 and listen to the recording.

Answer these questions.
Is the girl talking about what she expected to see in the art gallery?
Was she more interested in the stories or in the things she saw?
Did she enjoy the trip?
What is the correct answer for question 13?