Guided Test

Speaking Part 4: Strategy
In Part 4, the examiner leads a 3-way discussion with you and your partner about a topic for about three minutes.
The topic is the same as the collaborative task in part 3.
Respond appropriately and try to develop on the topics
Exchange information and opinions, (likes/dislikes, preferences, experiences, habits, etc.)
Express and justify opinions.
Part 4 is always a continuation of the topic in Part 3 so you will already be familiar with it.
It is important to show you are engaging in a discussion about the topic instead of just presenting your opinion.
If the question is directed to both candidates, you should prompt the other candidate for their opinion when you’ve given your opinion.
continue your partner’s ideas
show you are listening and interested in your partner’s ideas etc
Explaining/Asking for/Confirming opinions
I think that … because …
In my opinion it's …
What do you think?
Do you agree?
Are you sure?
What about you?
Asking about and expressing likes, dislikes and preferences
What do you like?
Do you like skiing?
I enjoy reading magazines that have articles about interesting people.
I'm interested in (sport/finding out about …)
I'm not very keen on …
My favourite band/kind of music is ... I like it because ...
I like/don't like playing computer games because ...
I'd rather live in the city than the country.
I like the mountains, but I prefer the beach.
If I could choose. I would live In a house by the sea.
Exam Task: practice in groups of three
Read the instructions before you begin.
Change roles and repeat activity.
Exam Task 2-3 minutes
What's your favourite hobby? (Why?)
Would you like to start a new hobby soon? (Why?/Why not?)
Do you usually prefer to do indoor or outdoor activities in your free time? (Why?)
Do you enjoy taking part in competitions? (Why?/Why not?)
Do you think it’s better to have lots of different hobbies or be very good at just one? (Why?)
SAMPLE: Back-up prompts
The examiner may ask you to respond to your partner’s answers, with questions like:
How/What about you?
Do you agree?
What do you think?
Exam Practice
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One student reads out the instructions. Your partner should discuss the topic in as much detail as possible, using the questions given by the interlocutor.
The listening student should pay attention and identify one good thing and one weaker thing about how their partner organises their ideas.
The listening student should now give their feedback to their partner, being as positive or constructive as possible.
Then change roles – this time the speaking student should focus on their range of vocabulary.
Change partners and repeat activity.